Sunday, June 6, 2010

Memorial Day Followup

To those of you who were expecting a special slideshow to honor our military personnel on Memorial Day, as you already know, we were not able to create and post anything as we had promised. We apologize for this as we really wanted to do something to honor our military. Unfortunately we did not receive enough pictures to make a slideshow (we actually only received 3). Not to be deterred, we scoured the internet in search of images of military personnel, conflict photos, basically anything we could find. Again, unfortunately, there must be quite a marketplace for these type of pictures as just about everything we found came with a price tag :(

With that we would still like to keep the invitation open to send us photos of your friends, family, yourself, or anyone who is active or retired. We are going to try this again for the 4th of July and this time we are determined to get something posted for our troops. Please help us out by sending us anything you have. Of course you will retain all copyright ownership of the images. We will only be using them for the slideshow. Thanks in advance.

God Bless,
Michael & Sheena

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