Sunday, June 27, 2010

And now we present to you...

Mr. and Mrs. Allan Summerfield!

Today our family got a little bigger as we added a brother in law and his large family to our clan. June 26, 2010 marked the day when our sister Shera Lawrence (of American Idol fame) and Alan Summerfield (soon to be the next Michael Waddell...Google it for you non-hunters out there) were joined together in Holy Matrimony. It was a beautiful ceremony and the perfect way to start a lifelong journey together.

Alan & Shera, we love you both very much and pray that God grants you both many years of happiness together. May your hearts remain soft, your love remain strong, and your faith never die!

Below are a few pictures from an engagement shoot Sheena did for the happy couple. They are truly two beautiful people. But always remember, no matter what, your babies will never be cuter than ours :)

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