Monday, August 29, 2011

The Alexander Family

I have been given the wonderful opportunity to watch this handsome young man grow over the past year.  He has truly been a blessing to photograph!!! Thanks so much to the Alexander family for allowing me to witness the growth, milestones, and changes of your sweet baby boy, and for getting the chance to do your family portraits as well!! Here are some of my favorites from the past year and the latest family portrait session!! You have a beautiful family!!!


3 Months:

9 Months:

1 Year!!!!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Summer Contest Time!!!!

Today is the start of the Summer Fun Photo Contest! Starting today until Friday July 1, all fans of Sheena Brown Photography's facebook page are invited to post a "Summer Fun" photo to the album titled "SUMMER FUN PHOTO CONTEST" . All submissions are due to be posted before Friday!!!! The photo with the most "likes" will be awarded with a FREE mini session and 5 digital prints!!! Voting ends on Wednesday July 6, 2011 at 5:00 pm. I look forward to seeing each and everyone's photos and can't wait to see what fun things my fans are doing this summer!! So everyone get your photo posted and start voting for your favorite. And if you're not already a fan of my facebook page, then what are you waiting for? Come be a part of the fun! Good Luck to everyone!!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Beautiful Raven

I was given the opportunity to meet someone that I truly admire. This young lady has been fighting for her life for quite some time now, as she was diagnosed with cancer.  When I met her I was completely amazed with her beauty, but even more amazed at how her smile could light up even the darkest night! This young lady walked with strength and happiness. This was not what I was expecting.... just before our photo shoot, Raven had been pretty sick and was having some trouble with her liver. I was prepared for a very tired and sick girl. After meeting her I was wonderfully surprised to see a strong, determined, and very happy young lady who I believe could have even ran laps around me, not to mention VERY photogenic!!!! I have to say, there are so many of us that let the small things get us down. My goal is to be more like Raven (who I called Super Woman as we were sitting and talking around the campfire, and still believe she may very well be).  If cancer can't get her down, then why should we let a few minor kinks in the road get us down? Stay strong Raven, we are all so very proud of you!!!!

Are You Second?

Hello friends,

Ok, I know that this is supposed to be a blog about photography, but we said in the beginning that this thing could include anything. Rambling, photography tips, gear tips, muses about our life, recent photo shoots, or just something that's on our mind. So here's another post about something that I can't get off of my mind :)

Recently I heard an advertisement on the local Christian radio station that I listen to about a website called I Am Second After some delay (otherwise known as distraction) I finally hit the site and was amazed at what I saw and heard. The basic premise revolves around mostly celebrity figures, their past struggles, and ultimate conclusion that a happy, fulfilling life revolves around God being first and self being second. Some of the videos are touching, others will absolutely amaze you. I have linked to one below featuring Brian "Head" Welch formerly of the rock group Korn. For those of you who don't know, Korn has been around for some time and is certainly not known for conveying a Christian message in their music. The majority of it is the usual mainstream rock stuff; disobeying authority, drugs, and alcohol among other things. This video amazed me as it shows how God can truly use "the least of these", the one's you would never suspect, to deliver His message. And this individual certainly has the testimony to deliver a special message to some who normally would turn their head when confronted with God, Jesus, and the church. Enjoy, go to the site, watch the other videos, and then ask yourself who is first in your life...Until next time

God Bless,
Michael & Sheena

Monday, May 30, 2011


Hello, we get together with family and friends, fire up the grill, play backyard games, and enjoy a much earned day off work. But, just like Christmas, sometimes we forget the 'reason for the season.' Today there are thousands of brave men and women who aren't with their families and friends, who are in strange places that do not at all resemble home, and they do it all for us...and have been doing it for years. They give all and ask for nothing in return but the honor of bravely serving to defend freedom and the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness around the world. So today don't forget to say a short prayer (or a long one:) for all of our soldiers, foreign and domestic, active and reserve, the veterans, and all of their families.

From Sheena Brown Photography we wish everyone a safe and happy Memorial Day! And to the brave warriors who ensure our continued freedom....THANK YOU!!! And may God Bless you and your safe return!

God Bless,
Michael & Sheena

Monday, April 25, 2011

Congratulations Destiny & Joey!

A few weeks ago I got the chance to meet up with one of my very dear friends and her new fiancĂ©e to do their engagement portrait session. We had so much fun and I believe that the photos really show it! Congratulations to the both of you! I hope you have many years with lots of love and happiness! 
 Here are a  few of my personal favorites of their session....

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Another Salute to our Soldiers and Their Families

I recently stumbled across the website and had to share it. I never get enough of watching these videos. So many leave everything behind to go away and defend freedom around the world. EVERY soldier deserves these types of homecomings. God Bless our troops, the greatest military in the world!

And a friendly reminder...have the Kleenex box handy (the one's with the little kids get me every time :)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Let's try this again...

Ok, so we know...we're terrible bloggers! No posts in six months??? What on earth have we been doing? Well, to be perfectly honest we've been very busy. My lovely wife lost track of her schedule and took on a few more jobs than we had the capacity to handle (and had the audacity to do it right at the heart of deer season!). But that's all going to change. We're finally caught up except for one special project we need to finish and we can get back to nursing our little baby business. So now we start a new year which leads to new opportunities. In the coming weeks we will be rolling out a new referral incentive program, some exciting events for the year, and, as we will be rolling out a new product offering/pricing structure, a limited time discount toward the new pricing for those of you looking to book a session at any time this year. But more to come on that. There might even be more frequent blog posts as I believe I've finally talked my spouse into embracing the whole blog thing. For now we offer you a slideshow with some of our favorite images of 2010. Enjoy and as always, God Bless!