Wednesday, March 31, 2010

What's in a name?

Last week Sheena and I came upon quite the conundrum (yeah I know, big word). We needed to order some business cards and decided that we needed a slogan to put on them. The ensuing debate was nothing short of a classic Perry Mason show. We couldn't decide on anything and everything we came up with sounded 'cheesy' and just didn't represent the message we wanted to get out about who we are. Then we figured out we didn't really know who we are. (Of course I've been trying to figure Sheena out for almost 7 years now. It's mostly like working a million piece jigsaw puzzle without knowing what the end result is supposed to look like. But I digress...)

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Sunday, March 28, 2010


Welcome to the officially official blog of Sheena Brown Photography. We want this to be a somewhat unique experience relative to other photography studio blogs in that our posts will be about more than just pictures. Of course there will be pictures (probably lots of them :) but it will also contain a personal element. First of all, as Sheena Brown Photography is not just Sheena Brown (yes, there is a Mr. Sheena Brown), the posts could come from either Michael or Sheena. Whenever one of us has something on our mind, new pictures, or other content such as photography or Photoshop tips, it'll get posted. So subscribe or check back often as you never know what you might find!

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